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Avatar since: 21/10/2006

Age: 31
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MY FAV MOVIE OF ALL TIME IS PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN! lol i also like Zoolander and Scary Movie 4... they r all realli funni and awsum.... Ok well every1 feel free too add me... but i dont like talking to people who r mean or DONT TALK!! it realli annoys me! But i do luv meeting new people on here... and please dont get insulted if i decline ur invitation by saying.. 'sorry cant talk.. too many convos' just invite me again in 30 mins or so. I like people with bubbly, random, and realli funny personalities, cause thats what im like in real life ^^ anywayz every1 have a great day!
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LOL as u can see i LUV family guy! so watch these! THEY R SOO FUNNY!!.. and theres also some other random cartoons in the aswell! TEHE ^^
[L] Ribbon*BS*Pink(A) Softened Ivory SetPink and Whites(L) Brunette InnocenceBB*White Mini Skirt
Fantasy Butterfly WingsSpunky Summer ~CandyRC Bubble Coaster MUSIC[MK] Toxic Love in Pink{A}Leri Pink Long Top
[MK]Bloody Valentine TeeCaYzCaYz GlitterFuchsiaspacerspacerspacer

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